Too Much Katherine

Established 1979

Location: United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Feelin' Grubby

So I am having one of those days. Fashion crisis days. Premenstrual + change of seasons = middle-school-style awkwardness. I changed outfits several times before work today, because nothing looked or relt right, which hasn't happened in I don't know how long. If I were to write a blues song right now, it would incorporate the following elements: I'm flat broke (da-do-doo-doo-doo), there's a zit on my neck, my hippie deodorant isn't working, I think I want to eat something but I don't know what it is, I don't like my jeans, the zipper fell off my old boots this morning, I'm going to have to wait till Friday to pick up my other shoes from the cobbler/shoe-repair place because I need an infusion of cash before I can afford to, I feel both bored and impatient, I think I'm getting a headache.

It'll pass, I have no doubt. Tomorrow's long-overdue haircut will help. Laundering all the sweaters and cold-weather clothes I pulled out of the duffle bags underneath my bed over the weekend will help.

Soon, I hope.

Later maybe I'll write something about last weekend's trip to Ossining. Stef, Meg and I did an 11-mile hike up the Croton Aqueduct Trail, and it was AWESOME.


Blogger polly conway said...

Haircuts ALWAYS help. Your blog is awesome; I didn't know you were doing it again. LOVE IT.

4:10 PM  

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